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April 2024 Journal: “Liberty’s Laws: The common law tradition and the myth of pluralism.”

Travel, Learn, Experience

The sun is rising above the trees on the morning of July 4th, 2019, as a man dressed like Thomas Jefferson steps onto the Capital West balcony in Colonial Williamsburg. The sea of people decked out in red, white and blue are quiet and attentive as Jefferson confidently reads the Declaration of Independence. At his conclusion, the crowd bursts into cheers and applause with a number of attendants visibly moved to tears. We spend the rest of the day wandering the historic streets of Colonial Williamsburg, popping into log cabins where cobblers and seamstresses are busy at work adorned in ancient clothes. We listen to audio tours while driving through Jamestown and Yorktown and find a historic home turned bakery for a late afternoon snack. This was the start of our summer trip educating our then 7th graders about Colonial America and the foundations of our country. We are a family of four that started our homeschool journey at 1st grade. We are currently in our 11th year of homeschooling and have made it a priority to take every opportunity to actually experience the subjects that we’re teaching. With every resource at our fingertips, there is an abundance of ways for our children to learn. Sometimes we watch documentaries or read books, but when we get to physically go to a location and walk through history, it’s a completely different learning experience. We get a front row seat when the switch flips for our kids and we hear, “Wait, I saw a picture of this in that book!”, or, “I recognize this place from that black and white documentary!” We as parents get to benefit from their education when we go on these adventures as well! We often feel like much of the history we learned as kids was incomplete, biased, and often lacked the truth about the Biblical foundations our country was built on. It’s an education for all of us! Our summer road trip of 2019 gave us an excellent opportunity to spend July and August traveling up the east coast in our RV and hitting every historic settlement, battlefield, city, museum, fort, monument …and well, anything else of interest that we could find! We spent time at Gettysburg, Valley Forge, Fort Ticonderoga, and Boston to name a few places, but we also took the time to visit Botanical Gardens in Delaware, a small family owned apple orchard in Vermont, and Acadia National Park. There is a historical treasure trove of destinations within a few hours of one another along the east coast that will take you back in time and give you and your children such a rich understanding of the beginnings of America. We have been blessed to have the freedom to work from pretty much anywhere, a luxury we don’t take for granted. This particular road trip allowed for us to visit 16 states and 2 Canadian Provinces, but we realize not everyone can take on such a long voyage. Homeschoolers on average have more freedom than most, however, a two month road trip can seem very out of reach. So how does the average family find the time to take educational adventures with all the work commitments, extracurricular activities, and busy schedules? Get creative! There is history EVERYWHERE around you if you do a little research! Some google searching or a trip to your town’s visitor center is a great place to start. My personal favorite trip planning website/app is called Roadtrippers and I use it not only to map out a route, but to find all the interesting, unique, scenic and historic spots that are worth seeing. America is begging to be rediscovered by today’s generation. Your kids need to know the building blocks that our great country was founded on so they know what to stand for, what to fight for and what freedom really is!

The Ark Encounter     Shenandoah National Park    Colonial Williamsburg/Jamestown/Yorktown     Gettysburg    Valley Forge     Rockwood Museum     Longwood Gardens     Mystic Seaport     Narragansett    Newport     Rosecliff     Cape Cod    Provincetown     Plimouth Plantation     Providence     Boston     Salem     Gloucester     Kennebunkport     Acadia National Park    Quebec City     Mount Washington     Chimney Point State Historic Site     Champlain Orchards     Fort Ticonderoga     Niagara Falls     Mackinac Island     Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore     Indiana Dunes National Park   

Ready for your own learning adventure? Be sure to check out the Stepping Stones Scholarship!

From Terror to Triumph

The Liberators

The Final Manuscript of Dr. Marshall Foster (1945-2022)


“The Liberators” is an engaging and revolutionary non-fiction book that weaves together the stories of remarkable individuals who have left an indelible mark on history. Through vivid storytelling and four decades of research, this book explores the lives and legacies of men like Moses, Patrick of Ireland, Alfred the Great, Martin Luther, the Pilgrims, and the American founders, tracing their enduring impact on our world today.


Discover how Moses, the iconic leader and lawgiver of the Hebrews, laid the foundation for faith and justice, shaping religious and legal principles that continue to influence societies to this day. Uncover the inspiring journey of Patrick, an Irish slave, who spread Christianity across Ireland, leaving an enduring spiritual and cultural legacy that transformed an entire nation, and some say, the world.


Journey through time and witness the reign of Alfred the Great, the courageous king who defended England against Viking invasions and championed the rule of law, his “Book of Dooms” and education by introducing again, like Josiah, the elements of Biblical law that create the foundation of all liberating documents and governments.


Follow the path of Jan Huss, Wycliffe and Tyndale as they laid the groundwork for a Bible to be made in language for the common people (not just clergy and not chained to the pulpit) and encourage the Biblical literacy that would charge the fuse of liberty that exploded across the continent.  Explore the life of Martin Luther, the influential figure who sparked the Protestant Reformation, challenging the authority of the Pope and reshaping the religious and political landscape of Europe.


Delve into the significance of the Magna Carta, a groundbreaking document that established principles of liberty, justice, and limited government, setting the stage for democratic governance and individual liberty. Engage with the ideals of “Lex Rex,” the doctrine that emphasized the rule of law over absolute monarchy, paving the way for constitutionalism and a government for the people.


And finally, trace the steps of the Pilgrims and Puritans, brave pioneers who sought religious freedom and laid the foundation for the New World, establishing enduring principles of liberty and self-governance.


The “Liberators” intertwines these captivating stories, illuminating the connections and influences among these great figures and their contributions to the world. Through their courage, faith, and vision, they have shaped our current understanding of law, freedom, and the pursuit of truth.


Contrary to secular belief, at the center of every story is the source of all true freedom:  Christ and the Bible.  Read the documents these liberators left behind, full of the holy scriptures, and understand how these principles led to the Liber, Lex Rex, Magna Carta, Sanquahar Declaration, and eventually, to America where we find them once again in our own Declaration and Constitution.


Marshall Foster loved his country.   He knew so much of the liberty we once experienced, was being lost and forgotten in the schoolrooms and the church pulpits.  He knew as a nation, and as a church, we needed to be reminded that God can use a small remnant of faithful “blacksmiths, ale makers, teachers and farmers” to turn the tide of truth back to the faith of our fathers and once again regain the ground we’ve given up.


This book calls us as the modern church to “stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient ways” as Jeremiah 6:16 instructs us, and to once again be reminded how to rebuild our liberty once again and find peace for our land.   Marshall knew there was only one true answer, found firmly between the pages of Scriptures and imbedded in the blood-bought path of liberty carved out for us by these men.


Prepare to be inspired and challenged as “Liberators” takes you on a captivating journey through history, highlighting the profound impact these extraordinary individuals have had on our shared heritage.  This book only scratches the surface of God’s liberators, but these stories of sacrifice, bravery, and perseverance will leave a lasting impression and remind us of the enduring power of ordinary individuals to shape the course of history.


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At Runnymede [where Magna Carta was signed] the Church won the victory for Christianity, and by this victory England—and consequently America—was blessed with freedom more than any other nation in Europe.
"No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will we proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.  To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, right or justice."
- Magna Carta, Clause 39





“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galations 5:1

Magna Carta: Remembering the Great Charter


June 15th is the anniversary of the world’s foremost liberty document: the Magna Carta.

The average American has never heard of the Magna Carta. Modern history books glaze over it as an outdated British relic. This ancient sheepskin may seem irrelevant to us in the 21st Century, as we face financial chaos and the usurpation of private property on a scale never before seen in America. Why should we care about what some archbishop wrote 800 years ago?

We should care because Magna Carta was the foundation and inspiration for America’s freedom documents. Most Americans have forgotten that Magna Carta was not, at its core, a political document. It was a spiritual charter declaring God and His law as Sovereign over the king and his law. Politics did not give birth to liberty. Faith gave birth the liberty. And the pillars of liberty cannot be held up with a “hands-off” church body. We must once again remember the great faith and freedom documents, and regain the ground given over the last Century to those who wish to “deconstruct” the foundations of our Civilization.

The Magna Carta, or “The Great Charter”, established for the first time the principle that everyone, including the King, was subject to the law.

“The Magna Carta doesn’t start with barons, and doesn’t start with individual liberties. It doesn’t start with political considerations, and it doesn’t start with the issue of who holds what power. Magna Carta starts as a religious document, concerned with the 'health of the soul' of the King, and with the 'honor of God', and with the 'exaltation of the Holy Church.' In addition to that, the King acknowledges that the 'advice' for signing the Carta comes from the bishops first (the church leaders), and then from the barons.” 1

Magna Carta grasped in his left hand, a sword in his right, the American colonist stands prepared to fight in defense of his liberties.The seal of Massachusetts in 1775 is shown here in one of the windows of the State House in Boston.
Just like Americans today, the English of the 13th century had nearly forgotten their great heritage of Christian liberty reaching back to the great isle of Iona and later, the laws laid out by Alfred the Great. Their nation was filled with corruption and lawlessness. A small group of landowners and business leaders at that time experienced much the same anger and frustrations that we face each day. Excessive bureaucracy, taxation, endless laws and constant wars. They were overwhelmed by a lawless monarch, King John. (Yes, the infamous king of Robin Hood lore)

King John had killed the true heir to the throne and began tyrannizing the people. He confiscated more and more of their wealth, imprisoned them without trial, and even violated their wives. In 1214 he demanded such high taxes, that many citizens and serfs were starving in the streets.

The nobles and landowners, wrote a letter to the king demanding that he abide by the “common” law and cease his encroachment upon the people’s rights. King John refused their request and multiplied his efforts to tyrannize nobles and peasants alike. So the nobles made a wise choice and went to the most committed spiritual leader of the time, Stephen Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury. They asked him to write a document that would force the king to limit his power based on the law of the land (the Biblically-based common law). Langton was well motivated to write this document since he had seen some of his own family torn from his house and executed but this wicked monarch.

Langton’s writing became known as the Magna Carta, the foremost document of liberty ever produced. Magna Carta, and its 63 articles, was viewed as the masterpiece of Christian liberty for the next 800 years. Its first article insured that the church shall forever be free from state interference. It stipulated that there could be no taxation without representation. It demanded a trial for every freeman by a jury of peers. Do any of these elements sound familiar?

“The question here is: If the signing of the Magna Carta was a conflict between the King and the barons, as the history textbooks tell us, then why does it start with a solemn clause to defend the liberties of the church? ...The answer is: Magna Carta wasn’t drafted by the barons, and the English liberties did not come from a political struggle. The liberties of England came from the Church, based on the ideological foundation of the faith in Jesus Christ, and the application of His Law in the English society.
The signing of Magna Carta was the culmination of a centuries- long war between the pagan and the Christian concepts of law and power.  At Runnymede [where Magna Carta was signed] the Church won the victory for Christianity, and by this victory England—and consequently America—was blessed with freedom more than any other nation in Europe.” 2

Magna Carta’s greatest legacy is the concept of a nation of laws rather than men. In its final article it called for armed resistance by the people if their rulers would not obey the law. This same obligation of the people to rise up and throw off tyrants is stated in our Declaration of Independence. All of the articles of Magna Carta were rooted in a long history of Biblical principles and the Ten Commandments.

Because of King John’s arrogance, the nobles were forced to raise an army which they called the “Army of God.” They marched on the king’s troops and they prevailed. They then forced the king to sign Magna Carta on the field at Runnymede on June 15, 1215. It was said that after signing the charter, John escaped back into his castle at Windsor and threw himself on the ground, beat his fists and ate straw like a mad man.

The next year John recanted his agreement to obey Magna Carta. The barons were forced into another war with the king. But the king was caught in a rising tide while he was trying to escape with all his treasure, and he lost his wealth in the ocean. He died of dysentery three days later. From that time forward all the kings of England were periodically forced to deal with the brilliant biblical principles laid out in Magna Carta by Stephen Langton.

America’s foundations of liberty are built upon these principles and others, reasoned from the Bible.

The story of Magna Carta reveals the strategy of how to restore liberty to a nation in chaos. Force of arms is not the central means of security and maintaining freedom. We can, as the people of England did, hold our leaders accountable to a higher power, God and His just principles, and check tyranny without massive bloodshed.

We in the 21st century, still have the finest heritage of liberty in human history. We have our treasured freedom documents which call our nation peacefully back to a nation of laws. To allow modern educators, pastors and leaders to re-define every area of law, education, justice and economics as dangerously “political” and “out of the scope” of the church, is to cede all authority of Scripture over these spheres of influence, and ultimately to hand over the reins of governing and leadership to those who hate God and his laws. The result will be a certain loss of liberty.

But, like the people of England, we must inspire and educate our children, our neighbors and fellow citizens, and call our representatives to task when they fail to follow the Constitution and the Scripture that is the backbone of every liberty document.

John Adams, Americas 2nd president, reminded us that, “ is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles, upon which Freedom can securely stand....The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People....They may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. – They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies.” 3

- from the desk of Dr. Marshall Foster (1945-2022)

1 Bojidar Marinov, "The Forgotten Clauses of the Magna Carta", American Vision
2 Bojidar Marinov, "The Forgotten Clauses of the Magna Carta", American Vision
3 John Jay Institute, "British Christianity and the American Order", 17

WORLD HISTORY INSTITUTE teaches the liberating lessons of historically-proven biblical principles to benefit people of all nations. Resources, conferences and tours have been provided since 1976.
WHI is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry. Your involvement and tax-deductible contributions are encouraged.
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"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 
-Luke 6:38
Samuel Rutherford, Scottish pastor and author of Lex Rex - a defense of limited government and constitutionalism.  

Economic Heritage:  A Sacred Deposit


    Americans are longing to give their children a legacy of freedom and prosperity.  History clearly details the only proven plan for such a legacy.  Sadly, the pages of history are filled with the stories of poverty and tyranny that have dominated virtually all civilizations for 5,000 years.  The few exceptions have followed the only proven strategy to sustained wealth and economic growth.

   America’s forebears were Biblicists. They understood that the pattern of economic failure began with the first covetous murder of Abel by Cain. They knew that as men progressively turned from their Creator, they looked to enrich themselves at the expense of others. The ancients soon discovered that rather than kill others to obtain wealth, they could, through force and deceit, make those individuals slaves or servants. They then could confiscate the wealth of the people in the name of the state or the will of their fickle deities.

   The economic theory or practice of all ancient societies (except for the Hebrew Republic) was that of a forced big government bureaucracy or “command economy.” Professor and historian Rodney Stark defines command economies as those in the ancient or modern world in which “both markets and labor are commanded and coerced rather than allowed to function freely, and the exaction and consumption of wealth is the primary goal of the state.” These command economies operate in nations in which the government controls the peoples’ wealth. They lead people of all economic brackets to produce less and hide or hoard whatever wealth they have.

   The command economies of the world kept virtually the entire human race in a near Stone Age standard of living for thousands of years. Even in the mighty Roman Empire the residents of Rome, most of whom were slaves, subsisted in poverty. They lived off of the crumbs of the booty plundered from the world by the Roman legions. Except for the elite few, the people never progressed beyond living in mud and stick shacks or tenements. No matter how productive one individual or family might become, their wealth was always subject to arbitrary confiscation by lawless rulers.

   With the entrance of the Savior of the world and His life, words and transforming power the principles for religious, economic, and civil freedom were understood. These were the roots of Western Civilization and Christendom. Other nations of the world were held back from innovation, freedom and prosperity by constant tyranny. Their religions were often mystery cults that focused on the superiority of the past and deemphasized reason and progress.

    In contrast, Biblical faith taught that each individual was created with infinite value and an immortal future. It taught that all individuals are to be treated equally before the law. Even Nietzsche, the father of modern atheism, had to admit that all human rights came from Christianity.  Christianity was also future-orientated. It presented a reasoned and logical plan for economic progress and happiness. Only with the truth and power of the faith and its inerrant Word, could a governmental and economic system be developed that did not allow all the peoples’ wealth to be taken by the elite in power.

   Nations without the rule of law and Christian economic principles have never been able to sustain a lasting economic renaissance. For example, in the 11th century in China, a strong privately owned iron industry developed in one province. Huge profits and high paying jobs resulted in the region. But when Chinese emperors realized that commoners were getting rich they said that this violated Confucian values and social tranquility which was built upon a rigid class structure. In their view, only royalty should possess wealth. So they declared the iron industry a state monopoly and the economy collapsed. The Chinese did not escape poverty until biblical free enterprise principles were initiated 1,000 years later in modern China – after the Communist leader Mao died. This same pattern of economic tyranny dominated all continents for 5,000 years until the rise of biblical economic truth.

   By 1215, the people, nobles and clergy in England with the biblical view of free enterprise, private property and the limitations on civil power, created Magna Carta. With the base of English Common Law and the Ten Commandments, Steven Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury wrote this landmark document of economic, civil, and religious liberty. This set the stage for the explosion of Christian free enterprise 400 years later in the Protestant Reformation.

   Magna Carta in essence was a stand against the tax, spend and steal policies of out of control government (King John). It contained a long and detailed list of private property rights. It restricted taxes and import duties. It provided representatives to hold the government accountable to obey its provisions.

   How does this brief economic history give us hope in our desperate situation today? It gives us tremendous hope because most Americans still have the biblical work ethic deeply embedded in their hearts through the heritage passed down to us by our ancestors.

   Even today, most Americans know that it is wrong to steal private property and to turn over businesses and most decisions in life to unaccountable bureaucracies.
We have inherited the world’s greatest heritage of economic liberty. America has the heritage of all three of the freedoms necessary for prosperity – economic, civil and religious.

   In our current crisis we must re-ignite the passion and conviction that our inheritance of Christian free enterprise and family ownership of property is a sacred trust before God, not just a personal preference or economic theory. We must be united in what Patrick Henry called the “holy cause of liberty” that is to be protected with our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. God’s honor, not just our personal wealth is at stake.

We still have the skeleton framework of a Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that calls us to stand against the yoke of tyranny. But do we have the resolve such as that of Joseph Warren, the great patriot physician and Christian, who led from the front at the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775? He spoke of how, “Our fathers having nobly resolved never to wear the yoke of despotism, and seeing the European world, at the time, through indolence and cowardice, falling a prey to tyranny, bravely threw themselves upon the bosom of the ocean, determined to find a place in which they might enjoy their freedom, or perish in the glorious attempt.”

Dr. Warren, covering the retreat of his men and out of ammunition, died with a bullet through his head in the final moments of the first great battle of the War of Independence.

Our liberties, as one of our founders said in a Connecticut newspaper, (Norwich Packet) are “a sacred deposit which it would be treason against Heaven to betray.” May we study and learn this “sacred deposit,” apply it to our lives and share it with all who will listen. It is treason against heaven to do any less.

– Dr. Marshall Foster (1945-2022)

(Excerpt from 2014 WHI Journal)

WORLD HISTORY INSTITUTE teaches the liberating lessons of historically-proven biblical principles to benefit people of all nations. Resources, conferences and tours have been provided since 1976. WHI is a 501 (C)3 non-profit ministry. Your involvement and tax-deductible contributions are needed to continue sharing Dr. Foster's legacy of hope.  Click here to give.

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Spring 2023


Chaos or Christianity


America’s leading statesman of the 19th century, Daniel Webster, highlighted the farsighted vision of Americans at the time when he said, “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution…for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” Could the anarchy and lawlessness we are seeing today be what he predicted? Could the historical amnesia that Americans have succumbed to be connected to the crises we are facing today? 


For three centuries, since the Pilgrims drafted the Mayflower Compact, Americans valued the biblical roots of our constitutional republic, of our freedom, and of our prosperity. They knew that America’s first settlers, an increasing wave of immigrants bringing wealth and ideas with them, would create little republics based on the biblical model given to Moses, throughout towns all over New England. They knew that largely people of other religions or ideologies had not written laws enpowering the people to be self-governed.   A self-governing nation, built on the foundation of the Gospel, leads to prosperity and liberty (not license) for all its inhabitants. These principles of liberty, all derived from the Word of God, were in the hearts, minds, and souls of Americans for centuries. Some of these principles were: civil equality, inalienable rights, the people’s choice of their leaders, accountability of public officials to the people and to God, justice in the courts with impartial juries, balance of powers with several branches of government, private property, prosperity resulting from a strong work ethic and faith, a stable economy backed by a hard currency, the centrality of the monogamous family, the sanctity of human life, education as a parental responsibility and social welfare through personal charity, not government largesse. 


Largely because of historical revisionism (the re-writing of true history), Americans today have gradually forgotten the roots of these blood-bought principles of freedom. For over a century, the deep biblical roots of liberty and prosperity have rarely been taught. Apart from the Scriptures, other worldviews and religions have produced tyranny, rather than liberty. History reveals that nations become like the gods they worship. As we study the gods of the ancients and the statist gods of the modern “secular” states, we find that - despite their rhetoric – they have no concept of how to produce liberty, including justice, representation, or equal rights under the law. Even Nietzsche, the father of modern atheism, admitted that all human rights stem from these Christian beliefs.

The non-Christian worldviews, throughout history, have never produced lasting liberty. The gods of the ancient world were capricious, narcissistic, lustful, greedy, and cruel. They cared little about what humans did. Zeus, the chief god of the Greeks and Romans, was notorious for his seductions and violent attacks on women and goddesses alike. Baal demanded the sacrifice of the first born of all who worshipped him. Multitudes of babies were burned to death on the red hot bronze arms of the statue of Baal throughout the Mediterranean world. The psyche of the ancient Egyptians was dominated by the god of death, Anubis, who had the head of a jackal and the body of a man, was created by the state to perpetuate the myth that all of life was a preparation for death. Slave-like service to the pharoah was their only choice. The sun god of the Aztecs demanded human sacrifice as thousands of people had their hearts brutally cut out at the peak of giant pyramids. The modern secular tyrannies of the last century, led by Stalin, Hitler, and Mao killed hundreds of millions of people in the name of their vision for a new world order. 


Honest history reveals that all nations from Ancient Egypt to Rome, from China to the Aztecs, from the Ottoman Empire to India, from Iran to Afghanistan have always produced some form of tyranny – in total opposition to individual liberty. Based on their religions these nations have created caste systems that have dominated their societies. The elites of these societies leverage the citizens to control them and profit themselves.  Warlords, priests, kings and government bureaucrats have controlled the distribution of all wealth and the creation of all laws. Thus, private property and family security have always been in peril. 


Many people may think these societies have little to do with our freedom and prosperity in America. But, to the contrary, we are now allowing our God-given rights to be sacrificed at a new altar, a “new” religion of the worship of man called humanism. If we continue down this path and refuse to fight for truth, we will end in tyranny, just like all other nations that have turned their back on Almighty God. 


The great Russian novelist, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who wrote The Gulag Archipelago, and suffered through the Russian Gulag, commented on the famous truism that “he who cannot remember the past is condemned to repeat it.” He said, “If we don’t know our own history, then we simply will have to endure all of the same mistakes, all of the same sacrifices, all of the same absurdities over again – times ten.” 


But here is our hope: If we will trust the liberating God of history and return to Him, it is the tyrants who will be despairing. Charles Spurgeon, the greatest of English preachers, facing a collapsing English empire over a century ago, remained certain that he and his fellow believers had the one weapon which could defeat any would-be tyrant. He said, “There is no land beneath the sun where there is an open Bible and a preached gospel, where a tyrant long can hold his place…Let the Bible be opened to be read by all men, and no tyrant can long rule in peace…The religion of Jesus makes men think, and to make men think is always dangerous to a despot’s power.”  


The cause of liberty will not be thwarted. It is the plan of our loving God to redeem His world through His Son and His army of compassion, the true church. He never fails. God is the one who delivered the Hebrews from Pharoah’s tyranny. Against all odds it was Christ and His army of compassion that permeated and transformed much of the Roman Empire through the Gospel message of mercy, charity, and self-sacrifice. It was God who sent Patrick to Ireland to liberate the Irish from their human sacrifice and Druid worship. The followers of Patrick went on to liberate much of Europe. The Almighty through His people brought liberty and prosperity to Scotland, England, Holland, and America. America was blessed with liberty and prosperity and a Constitution that has been imitated by hundreds of other nations. 


“Faith without works is dead.” Let’s act upon our faith and restore our God-blessed Republic. This is our moment on the stage of history. It is time we Remember, Repent, and Return to His purpose and plan for liberty. (Rev. 2:5) 

-Dr. Marshall Foster (1945-2022)

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